July 12, 2012 § Leave a comment

This is a post by Chris Brady that very accurately summarizes the business system that has helped Rachel and I become Debt-Free. If you would like more info, you can go to: http://www.getLIFEproducts.com

LIFE and Leadership by Chris Brady

The LIFE business was founded to fulfill the dream of providing an exciting, aggressively compensated, fair, and fun program for people who are 1) ambitious, 2) teachable, 3) looking for something more in life, and 4) honest. Launched by founders (Orrin Woodward, Tim Marks, George Guzzardo, Claude Hamilton, Bill Lewis, Dan Hawkins) who all came from “the field” of compensated communities, it was therefore structured in such a way as to maximize contribution to those in the field. In other words, the LIFE business is of the people, for the people, and by the people. It provides a realistic, legitimate shot for people to better themselves personally, financially, relationally, and a whole bunch of other “nally’s.”

Success, however, is not easy. Anyone who says anything to the contrary has either not succeeded themselves, is delusional, or not to be trusted (or, perhaps, is just…

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